Online Safety
Safer Internet
Clicking on the red CEOP logo will take you directly to the National CEOP page and will give both parents and children advice for keeping safe online.
In addition to participating in the annual Safer Internet Day to raise awareness of safety whilst online, all children at Polesden Lacey Infant School receive e-safety lessons as part of the computing and PSHE curriculum.
Parents might be interested in the following technology guide website which may help when considering which device to purchase for home use:
Have a look at some of the following resources but remember not to tell anyone your personal details.
CBBC have video clips to watch that highlight the importance of staying safe on-line.
Digiduck’s Big Decision This is an e-book which invites younger children to make decisions about using the internet safely.
Captain Kara and Winston’s SMART Adventure The SMART Adventure illustrates Childnet’s SMART rules and includes a real life SMART Crew of young people who guide the cartoon characters in their quest and help them make smart online decisions.
Think You Know website.