
Read our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy here:

Why Your Child is Safe At Polesden Lacey Infant School

Your child’s safety is of paramount importance to our school and we have clear and consistent policies and procedures in place to ensure that your child is safe. We meet all of the statutory requirements and regularly monitor our safeguarding provision.

We have a lead member of staff responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding (Rebecca Mole, Headteacher) who meets regularly with the Lead Governor for Safeguarding (Mark Rogers,  Chair of Governors), to monitor the impact of what we have in place; also ensuring we adhere to all legislation. We also have one Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Emily Binding.

Below is an overview of the areas of school life which ensure the safety of our children:

Safe recruitment of staff – including training of interview panel and all DBS checks.

Clear and regularly reviewed policies - Safeguarding –including Child Protection, Accessibility, Behaviour, E-Safety –including Acceptable Use, Health and Safety and many other related policies. Please see policies in the Policy area of the website.

Site safety – our school has security doors on the main entrance. All visitors report to the main office in order to gain access to the building. We have a secure fenced school boundary which is regularly inspected and improved where necessary.

Pupil Voice - We hold regular discussions and undertake surveys with the children regarding what is in place at our school to keep them safe and to improve awareness of their personal safety, including what to do and who to speak to if they have any worries or concerns.

Online safety – we have a clear policy and procedure that all children use, in order to improve their safety whilst on the internet at school and at home. We run parent workshops on how to support your child with this.

Behaviour - We have very high standards of behaviour and our behaviour across the school is very good. We have a clear rewards and sanctions policy which enables children to be clear about their responsibilities with regard to behaviour. We work in partnership with our parents/carers if there are any concerns.

Anti-Bullying - We don’t tolerate bullying and we act swiftly using our clear anti bullying policy and procedures if there are any concerns or issues

Educational visits - These are always risk assessed. We ensure the ratio of adults to children meets or exceeds requirements so that your children can enjoy their school trips!

First Aid - We have 2 members of staff who are fully trained Pediatric First Aiders. All staff have basic first aid training. Children are attended to if they are hurt or feeling poorly. As well as medical attention a kind word and tlc are also applied!

Inclusion - We are an inclusive school. Our SENCO (Emily Binding - contactable via works closely with our children and their families to support any additional needs effectively.

Health and Safety - This is rigorous at all times. Our Governors have a termly meeting with the Headteacher to monitor and discuss all aspects of H&S, including termly inspections.

Curriculum - We teach the children many aspects of their personal safety through our curriculum. Discussions on safety measures and how they can keep themselves safe take place regularly.

Governors - We provide a Termly Safeguarding Report to Governors. This ensures all aspects of safety provision are up to date.

Family Partnerships - We have a strong belief in partnership working with our families. Our open door policy means that effective communication can take place.

Outside agencies - We work with Surrey County Council to provide any additional support to our families and children if and when it is needed.

NSPCC Children’s Services

Our services are crucial in our fight for every childhood.

Below are links to organisations and or policies that relate to safeguarding at Polesden Lacey Infant School. If you have any questions about safeguarding please come and speak to Ms. Mole, Mrs. Binding or Mrs. Scott. You can also visit the NSPCC website by clicking on their link for extra resources and information.


Working Together to Safeguard Children

Keeping Children Safe in Education

The Prevent Strategy

Protecting children from the risk of radicalisation is seen as part of schools’ wider safeguarding duties, and is similar in nature to protecting children from other forms of harm and abuse.

From 1 July 2015, schools are subject to a duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This duty is known as the Prevent duty.

Protecting Children from Radicalisation - The Prevent Duty

Online safety

Clicking on the red CEOP logo will take you directly to the National CEOP page and will give both parents and children advice for keeping safe online.


Link to CEOP

In addition to participating in the annual Safer Internet Day to raise awareness of safety whilst online, all children at Polesden Lacey Infant School receive e-safety lessons as part of the computing and PSHE curriculum.

Polesden Lacey Infant School e-Safety Rules February 2023

I will tell an adult when I am using technology: e.g. tablet, iPad, phone or computer.

I will ask an adult before playing a new game or downloading a new app.

I will only play games that are suitable for my age.

I will only click on things that I understand.

I will ask for help if I see something I do not like.

I will keep my personal information private.

I will spend a sensible amount of time on technology at home.

I will treat others as I want to be treated by using kind words.

More information for parents

Parents might be interested in the following technology guide website which may help when considering which device to purchase for home use:

Have a look at some of the following resources but remember not to tell anyone your personal details.

CBBC have some funny video clips to watch that highlight the importance of staying safe on-line.

Digiduck’s Big Decision This is an e-book which invites younger children to make decisions about using the internet safely.

Captain Kara and Winston’s SMART Adventure The SMART Adventure illustrates Childnet’s SMART rules and includes a real life SMART Crew of young people who guide the cartoon characters in their quest and help them make smart online decisions.

Teachers’ Support Materials from the Know It All website.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection website.

Think You Know website.