Our History curriculum aims to excite pupil about events in the past through them becoming detectives and researchers. We aim to foster an understanding of how the past influences the present and help children develop some chronological understanding.
We follow the National Curriculum 2014 and use the programme of study to guide and inform our planning. A link to the document can be found below:
Primary National Curriculum - History
A more detailed curriculum map, containing key vocabulary, texts and 'sticky learning' is available in this document:
During their time at Polesden Lacey Infant School the children learn about various periods in History, what happened during those times and how things have changed over time.
In Badger Class the children learn about The Great Fire of London, what caused it and how London changed as a result of the fire.

In Squirrel Class the children look at toys from the 1960s. They discuss how things have changed since then and the reasons for these changes.

We thought about Remembrance Day and the significance of the poppy.