Polesden Open Days

If you are looking for a school place for your child for September 2025 and would like to know more about our wonderful school, have any questions that you would like answered or would like to look around do please click on the following link and complete the google form indicating which tour you would like to attend; https://forms.gle/XnhKSUUKMEqhmsVP6

The dates are;

Tuesday 1st October 2024   13.30pm - 15.00pm

Wednesday 9th October 2024   13.30pm - 15.00pm

Monday 21st October 2024   13.30pm - 15.00pm

Wednesday 23rd October 2024    09.00am - 10.30am

Friday 8th November 2024   09.00am - 10.30am

Monday 2nd December 2024   13.30pm - 15.00pm

All tours will include a presentation by the headteacher, with question and answer session, followed by a tour of the school and our lovely grounds. The whole session will last approximately 90 minutes.

If at all possible we would ask that young children do not accompany you as the session is quite lengthy and young child often get bored, making it more difficult for other families to hear the presentation. We do however, completely understand that getting childcare isn't always possible and there are occasions where you will need to bring your child with you.