Our Geography curriculum aims to inspire pupils into being explorers and discovers of our world and its many varied environments. We aim to give the children an understanding of their place in our world and how we can help to protect the planet.
We follow the National Curriculum 2014 and use the programme of study to guide and inform our planning. A link to the document can be found below:
Primary National Curriculum - Geography
A more detailed curriculum map, containing key vocabulary, texts and 'sticky learning' is available in this document:
Do you know all the countries in the United Kingdom and where to find them on a map?
What would you do to reduce the amount of plastic going into our rivers, lakes and oceans?

Why not use a QR code to find out about landmarks in the UK?

Could you play the match the name to the ocean/continent game? The children used the knowledge from their Science learning to design a games to test their classmates recall of the names and location of the oceans and or the continents.

We learn about the seasons and watch to see what happens at different times in the year.