Online Safety
Here at Polesden Lacey Infant School we pride ourselves in providing the children with the skills and knowledge they need to enjoy and explore the ever changing online world, whilst keeping themselves safe. Our policy clearly outlines our commitment to the importance of Online Safety in school and how we work to support the children to be confident users of technology, this can be found in the Policy Section of our website.
Our Computing lessons expose the children to a variety of technology that they can use in a purposeful way across the curriculum. By teaching the children about keeping themselves safe online at an early age we are laying the foundations for their future.
The children have worked together to create a set of 'e-Safety Rules' which we refer to throughout our time at school, especially during computing lessons, however many of the rules are also important to remember in real life situations.
Polesden Lacey Infant School e-Safety Rules January 2020I will tell an adult when I am using technology: e.g. tablet, iPad, phone or computer.
I will ask an adult before playing a new game or downloading a new app.
I will only play games that are suitable for my age.
I will only click on things that I understand.
I will ask for help if I see something I do not like.
I will keep my personal information private.
I will spend a sensible amount of time on technology at home.
I will treat others as I want to be treated by using kind words.
Please see below for further links to support you as a family to stay safe online. Below you will find information on a range of topics. If you have any further questions regarding e-Safety please speak to Mrs Mathews or email the office, we are more than happy to discuss this topic with you.