Squirrel Class Victorian Day

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On Thursday 25th November Squirrel Class went back in time to the Victorian era. The children arrived at school with their penny to pay for their day of education. Their teachers were dressed up in Victorian outfits and the classroom was set with the tables in lines for a day at Victorian School. Each of us chose a Victorian name to use for the day! Many of the children dressed up in a range out outfits- we had chimney sweeps, dolls, rich people and servants. The children spent time chanting their numbers and number bonds to 10, writing lines of numbers on their slates and thinking about how their lives might differ to children who were alive in Victorian Britain. In the afternoon the children created peg dolls, decoupage Christmas decorations and shell art. We all had a fantastic day exploring life as a Victorian child, although we all agreed we are much happier being children in 2021!