Year R - Rabbit Class
Parents are encouraged to visit this page on a regular basis to view the latest class news and term overviews.
Welcome to Reception!
Our Reception class is called Rabbits
Mrs. Mullins and Mrs. Mathews are our Reception Class teachers. We have one teaching assistants in Rabbit Class; Mrs. Parry and a 1 to 1 support role shared by Miss Gerrard, Mrs Ede and Mrs Woodman. The children have Forest School every Wednesday afternoon with Miss Aylett.

Reception Class is where the children settle into school life, establish a love for learning and where the foundations for key literacy and numeracy skills are laid. It is a substantial and crucial part of every child’s ‘learning journey’ and lays strong foundations for their future educational success. We spend time in the summer before the children begin and the start of the school year developing purposeful and supportive relationships with the children, this enables mutual respect and allows the children to feel safe and secure. By establishing these relationships the children are confident to begin learning and challenge themselves to make huge strides of progress! We also spend a lot of time developing the children's social and communication needs by being play partners and modelling how to engage in play with others. This helps the children to enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum which is play based, allowing them to curiously investigate and explore the world around them.

Our curriculum is topic based and led by the children’s interests and passions. The children often take our learning into new ventures and inspire each other with facts and experiences they have enjoyed both at school and at home.

We love to hear what the children get up to outside of school and enjoy sharing achievements and learning, enabling us to create solid links between school and home. We use Tapestry, an online learning journey, to make observations of the children’s learning and consider their next steps. Parents are able to access this at home, comment on school observations and make their own.

Useful links below: (alphablocks and numberblocks series 1)
Teach your monster to read
- Laura Mathews - Reception class teacher, Writing, Computing and Art Leader, Educational Visits Coordinator